Tonsillitis (Infected Tonsils)

This condition is caused when the tonsils at the back of the throat get infected by over exposure to dust and chemicals in the air and sometimes by a bacterial infection. Tonsillitis causes pain in the throat while swallowing and chewing. Tonsils are affected by the bacteria named Streptococcus pyogenes. This condition is commonly seen in children ages between 5 and 15. We are offering throat conditions Treatment in and around Sri Nagar Colony, Ameerpet, Panjagutta, SR Nagar and Yousufguda, Hyderabad

When to see a doctor

It's critical to get a precise diagnosis if you see any symptoms that might indicate tonsillitis.

Call your throat specialist in Hyderabad if you are experiencing:

  1. A sore throat with fever
  2. A sore throat that doesn't disappear in 24 to 48 hours
  3. Excruciating or difficult swallowing
  4. Too much weakness or fatigue

Get prompt attention if you have any of these signs:

  1. Trouble breathing
  2. Severe trouble swallowing
  3. Excessive drooling

Visit for tonsils treatment in Panjagutta.

Hoarseness of voice (Voice Change)

Hoarseness in voice indicates a problem in the vocal folds of the larynx. This condition is caused due to thyroid problems, damage in the larynx, neurological disease, vocal fold paralysis, some infection and sometimes when you overuse your voice. Other possible causes are laryngitis, which occurs due to upper respiratory infection or cold.

How is hoarseness treated?

Treatment relies upon the condition causing the hoarseness. The conditions and their treatments include:

  1. Utilizing your voice excessively. Rest your voice. Hydrate yourself.
  2. A cold or sinus infection. Let the common cold run its course, or take over-the-counter meds.
  3. Laryngitis. Converse with your doctor. You might be asked to take antibiotics or corticosteroids.
  4. Gastroesophageal reflux (GERD). There is an assortment of treatment choices for GERD, including antacids and proton pump inhibitors
  5. Vocal fold haemorrhage- Voice rest.
  6. Neurological diseases and disorders. There are a variety of treatment options for each neurological disease and disorder.
  7. Vocal nodules, cysts, and polyps. Dietary changes and voice therapy with a speech-language pathologist. Surgery is sometimes recommended.
  8. Vocal fold paralysis. A simple procedure performed by an ENT may push a paralyzed vocal fold back towards the centre, or a more complicated surgery may be necessary.
  9. Recurrent respiratory papillomatosis (RRP/laryngeal papillomatosis). Like nodules, papillomas are benign (noncancerous) growths. Procedures are done to remove the growths and make sure your airways are clear.
  10. Muscle tension dysphonia. Treatment options observation or voice therapy with a speech-language pathologist.


Swallowing problems which are scientifically known as Dysphagia is a condition where difficulty in swallowing food is too high and most commonly seen in adults. Symptoms that indicate Dysphagia are pain while swallowing food, a sense of food getting stuck in the throat (sternum) and hoarseness in the voice. This condition leads to malnutrition and dehydration.

When to see a specialist

See your doctor at ENT clinics in Hyderabad if you experience issues in swallowing or weight loss, vomiting with your dysphagia.

If an obstruction interferes with breathing, call for emergency help immediately. If you're unable to swallow because you feel that food is stuck in your throat or chest, go to the nearest emergency department.


This condition can be commonly seen in adults while sleeping, the airflow causes the tissue to vibrate as they breathe. While this is common for most people, it could be a chronic issue for some adults. Snoring is associated with a sleeping disorder named obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). People with this sleep disorder might face disrupted sleep and slow breathing sometimes. Symptoms indicating this condition are an increase in weight and increased alcohol consumption.

Who is more likely to snore?

Almost everybody snores, including infants, kids and adults. Certain individuals happen to snore more than others. The risk factors of snoring include:

  1. Age: Snoring is more normal as we age since muscle tone decreases, making airways constrict.
  2. Alcohol and sedatives: Beverages that contain alcohol and certain drugs loosen up muscles, limiting airflow in the mouth, nose and throat.
  3. Anatomy: A long soft palate, expanded adenoids, tonsils or a large tongue can make it difficult for air to flow through the nose and mouth. A deviated septum can hinder the flow of air.
  4. Gender: Snoring is more common in men.
  5. Family history: Snoring runs in families. If you have a parent who snores, you are bound to snore as well.
  6. Overall health: Nasal stuffiness because of allergies and the common cold block airflow through the mouth and nose. Pregnant women are more likely to snore because of hormonal changes and weight gain.
  7. Weight: Snoring and sleep-related breathing issues are more common in individuals who have overweight or obese.

Get the throat infection treatment in Sri Nagar Colony from Dr. Sudhamsh Thirunahari

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