
Sinusitis, which is commonly known as rhino sinusitis or sinus infection causes nasal pain due to overexposure to dust, chemicals, and other irritants in the air. This condition affects the spaces in your nose (sinuses) to build up thick discoloured mucus that causes swelling, and pain around your nose, eyes and forehead and cheek. We are offering Nose Conditions Treatment in and around Sri Nagar Colony, Ameerpet, Panjagutta, SR Nagar and Yousufguda, Hyderabad

What causes sinusitis?

Sinusitis is caused by a virus, fungus or bacteria that expands and impedes the sinuses. A couple of specific causes include:

  1. Common cold
  2. Nasal and seasonal allergies that include allergies to mold(fungus)
  3. Polyps.
  4. A deviated septum. The septum is the line of cartilage that divides your nose. A deviated septum implies that it isn't straight, so it is nearer to the nasal passage on one side of your nose, causing a blockage.
  5. A weak immune system from illness or meds.

What are the Symptoms?

You have acute sinusitis when you have had cloudy or coloured drainage from your nose for as long as 4 weeks, plus 1 or more of the following symptoms:

  1. Stale, clogged, or blocked nose
  2. Pain, pressure, or fullness in the face, head, or around the eyes
  3. Long-lasting cold symptoms
  4. Symptoms that don't improve within the span of 10 days of getting sick, or initially get better then deteriorate again

You could have chronic sinusitis if you have at least two of the four symptoms noted beneath for no less than 12 weeks. An ENT expert would likewise have to see polyps, pus, or thickened mucous in the nose, or get a CT scan, to fully diagnose the chronic sinusitis. Potential symptoms include:

  1. Stuff clogged, or blocked nose
  2. Pressure, pain or fullness in the face, head or around the eyes
  3. Thickened nasal drainage
  4. Loss of smell

Get sinusitis treatment in Hyderabad from Best ENT surgeon in Hyderabad

Nasal Allergy (Allergic Rhinitis)

Nasal Allergy which is otherwise known as Allergic Rhinitis is caused when your immune system encounters an allergic reaction which is less harmful. Thin and clear layer of mucus is formed to protect your lungs from other irritants present in air. Visit nasal allergy specialist in Sr nagar.

What are the signs and symptoms?

Allergic rhinitis normally causes cold-like symptoms, like irritation, sneezing and an obstructed or runny nose. These symptoms start soon after being exposed to an allergen. Certain individuals just get allergic rhinitis for a couple of months at a time because they are sensitive to seasonal allergens, like tree or grass pollen. Others get allergic rhinitis all through the year.

The vast majority with allergic rhinitis have mild signs that can be effectively and easily treated. In any case, for certain symptoms can be severe and persistent, causing sleep issues and obstructing regular life. The symptoms of allergic rhinitis usually improve with time, yet this can require numerous years and it's unlikely that the condition will disappear completely.

Treating and preventing allergic rhinitis

It is difficult to totally avoid potential allergens; however, you can do whatever it takes to decrease exposure to a specific allergen you know or suspect is triggering your allergic rhinitis. This will assist with improving the symptoms.

If your condition is mild, you can likewise assist with decreasing the symptoms by taking over-the-counter drugs, like non-sedating allergy medicines, and by consistently rinsing your nasal passages with a saltwater solution for keeping your nose liberated from irritants.

See a nose surgeon in Madhura nagar for advice if you've tried making these steps and they haven't made a difference. They might recommend a stronger med, like a nasal spray containing corticosteroids.

Bleeding from Nose (Epistaxis)

Nose bleeding which is medically known as Epistaxis usually occurs due to nasal membrane drying out because of the hot climate or happens due to nose-picking, blowing your nose with force also. This condition is usually seen in children between ages 2 and 10 and also in adults ages between 45 and 65.

Who gets nosebleeds?

Nosebleeds are genuinely normal and the vast majority will encounter them occasionally. Anybody can get a nosebleed, yet they most frequently affect:

  1. kids between the range of 2 and 10 years old
  2. older individuals
  3. pregnant women
  4. individuals who take blood thinning medicine
  5. individuals with blood clotting disorders, like haemophilia

What are the Common causes of nosebleeds?

Nosebleeds are genuinely normal and the vast majority will encounter them occasionally. Anybody can get a nosebleed, yet they most frequently affect:

  1. kids between the range of 2 and 10 years old
  2. older individuals
  3. pregnant women
  4. individuals who take blood thinning medicine
  5. individuals with blood clotting disorders, like haemophilia

Common causes of nosebleeds include:

  1. Direct injury
  2. Irritation
  3. Foreign bodies
  4. Air travel and altitude
  5. Inflammation
  6. Humidity
  7. Liver disease
  8. Medications
  9. Illegal drugs
  10. Irritants
  11. Radiation therapy and chemotherapy

What are the Symptoms?

The primary symptom of a nosebleed is blood coming from the nose. This bleeding can fluctuate in severity and can emerge from one or the two nostrils. Posterior nosebleeds are more likely to cause bleeding in both the nostrils.

If the nosebleed happens while an individual is lying down, they will normally feel liquid toward the rear of the throat before the blood comes from the nose.

Adenoids: Located at the back of the inner part of the nose function as an infection fighter along with tonsils to keep your body healthy from harmful viruses or bacteria. When this lymphatic system gets affected by bacteria it causes the condition called adenoiditis.

The common symptoms that indicate adenoiditis are swelling of the adenoids which blocks the airflow and makes it difficult to breathe through your nose. Other viruses that affect your lymphatic tissue are adenovirus and rhinovirus.

Adenoids Tests

  1. Endoscopy: A small and flexible tube with a lighted camera on the end is placed into the nose or throat. A specialist can see the nasal passages and adenoids on a video screen during endoscopy.
  2. Computed tomography (CT): A CT scanner takes various multiple x-rays, and a PC constructs detailed images of the sinuses, nasal cavities, and adenoids.
  3. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI): A MRI scanner utilizes a high-powered magnet and a computer to make highly detailed images of the nasal passages, sinuses, and adenoids.

Adenoids Treatments

  1. Adenoids surgery (adenoidectomy): Surgery to eliminate the adenoids is often vital when the adenoids are large adequate to cause other health problems. Children's adenoids may be removed surgically with no apparent ill effects.
  2. Antibiotics: Antibiotics kill bacteria, usually curing sinus or ear infections caused by bacteria.

Consult Dr. Sudhamsh Thirunahari who is the nose surgeon in Sri nagar colony

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