An ENT diagnostic in Hyderabad consists of various ENT tools that are utilized in the examination of the ears, nose and throat. These tools help in finding out the exact condition of the patient's nose, ears and throat. The ENT diagnostic set, best ENT doctor in Sri nagar Colony needs to carry out few procedures to the patients.

Nasal Endoscopy

Nasal endoscopy is a procedure utilised to view your nasal cavity and openings to your sinus passage. Your doctor places an endoscope (a long tube with a camera and a light) into your nose to look at your nasal and sinus region. The camera captures video images and displays them on a screen.

Video Laryngoscopy

It is a form of indirect visualization of the larynx performed with a fiberoptic or angled rigid endoscope to diagnose various conditions of the larynx (such as vocal cord polyps, nodules, cysts and cancer), and base tongue, To visualize and remove foreign bodies from vallecula base tongue, diagnosis of snoring and sleep apnoea, Postoperative examination after laryngeal and vocal cord surgeries.

Sleep Endoscopy

sleep endoscopy also called drug-induced sleep endoscopy (DISE) or sleep nasoendoscopy (SNE), is a powerful tool to study the dynamic airway in a sleeping patient with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).

Flexible Laryngo PharyngoScopy

Flexible laryngoscopy is a fast, effective way for the ENT specialist to get a view at your child’s airway that includes the child's airway, nose, throat and the voice box.

Examination under microscope

It is an OPD procedure that helps in visualising of the ear canal, ear drum and mid-ear in a patient with complaints of ear pain, ear discharges in diagnosing the condition like perforation of the eardrum, cholesteatoma any mass lesion and so forth.

PTA, Speech Audiometry

Pure tone audiometry or say PTA is the key hearing test used to detect the hearing threshold levels of a person. PTA utilizes both air and bone conduction audiometry. Speech audiometry is a hearing test that determines the client's speech-reception threshold and word-discrimination score by measuring the number of words the client can repeat after they are heard when delivered through headphones at precise decibel intensities.

Impedance audiometry

The purpose of impedance audiometry is to decide the status of the tympanic membrane and mid-ear through tympanometry. The secondary purpose of this test is to assess acoustic reflex pathways that include cranial nerves and the auditory brainstem

Vertigo evaluation

Electronystagmography (ENG or electrooculography) is utilized to assess individuals with vertigo (a false sense of spinning or movement that can cause dizziness) and certain different disorders that influence hearing and vision. Electrodes are placed at locations above and underneath the eye to record electrical activity.

Tinnitus evaluation

A tinnitus evaluation is the second piece of the bigger tinnitus assessment for audiologists, following a standard hearing assessment.

Hearing aid trial and fitting

Hearing aid trial/fitting is an appointment scheduled for you after your hearing tests have been done and your loss of hearing has been decided by Audiologist.

Sumukha hospital offers detailed and high-quality medical facilities under a similar rooftop. The ENT unit is helmed and managed by the best of ENT doctors. We are offering ENT treatments in and around Sri Nagar Colony, Ameerpet, Panjagutta, SR Nagar and Yousufguda, Hyderabad Dr. Sudhamsh Thirunahari is knowledgeable and experienced in treating problems of ear, nose and throat alongside cancers of head and neck.

Have any Dental & ENT related issues We are here to help you, Get in touch with us.

For Consultation +91 9063666424